Not graduating until next Spring.
I'm kicking myself for not finishing my math classes when I was in the Navy.
I have to work now. I need to find a damn job.
My electric has been shut off this month already and then I had to pay a fee to re-connect it. (Even though I made the payment right before it was shut off. bastards.)
I'm hoping to at least be able to get my coding certificate this summer but that all depends on the good graces of my teacher(WTF)and I'm not in her good graces.
I just want the floor to swallow me up right now.
There is so much more. I'm just too tired to do this right now.
I'll write more about my marriage later. I just feel like I'm playing house right now and I don't want to play anymore.
I'm seriously just fucking everything up. You think I would learn by this point in my life. I'm still trying to figure things out.
[info]khyri wrote:
Apr. 24th, 2008 12:35 pm (local)
You think I would learn by this point in my life. I'm still trying to figure things out.
You are exactly the same age that I was when I first started to figure things out. And I haven't stopped yet.
*comforting thoughts*
[info]alaska_courtney wrote:
Apr. 24th, 2008 05:26 pm (local)
hugs. i hope the coding cert works out!
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