Today my internet stopped working. I was in the middle of a project I had procrastinated on until the last minute and, go figure, I needed the internet to finish it and only four more hours to do so. I rearranged my equipment, unplugged, replugged,restarted, did a bunch of stuff with the modem,(Don't ask me what, I don't know) and gave up in frustration. I was sure that it was simple, I could see what the problem was, yet I couldn't fix it. I whacked the modem a few times out of desperation but that wasn't it either. (Hey, it worked before with my TV)
Finally I called my husband and informed him I was going to go to the college and use the computer lab. I had only one problem; "honey, where is my student ID?" and "I still have to pick up M from daycare before three." Well, my ID was in the car, at my husband's work and it was almost 2, which was when I had to pick up my daughter. I was pacing and wringing my hands and an absolute mess. The little things always get me. The major things I can deal with. I was freaking out and trying to plan on driving to my husbands work, get my ID and have M stay at daycare until later just because I was too stupid to fix the damn computer and get my work done on time.
Finally I put my pride to the side and called tech support only to find out that I had already done what he was telling me to do already (I was annoyed half way through the conversation. The customer service was good but very annoying) and the computer started working during my second try anyways. I was just too upset to notice. ~sigh~
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