My 7 year old M:
I'm going to talk to M's teacher on Monday.
Her teacher thinks she is unusually intelligent but it is not showing it in her work or tests. We have to struggle with her just to get an average performance from her. I'm worried that perhaps I should have held her back in the first grade.
One of my concerns is her motor skills and her handwriting. I'm thinking of getting her more beads to work on her fine motor skills. This may help a bit with handwriting.
I put her hair in braids all this week. She loved it and we didn't have to brush it. (lazy parents!)
It' fits her personality quite well.
My 3 year old N:
Here is an example of one of our conversations today. (-: :
me: N, what color is that (me pointing to her shirt)?
N: "What color"
me: What color is the flower on your shirt?
N: "Color"
I guess she will do it when she is ready.
Me, myself, and I:
My thoughts are a bit random lately and unorganized so I am sure it is apparent when I post on here. I will make it short.
I am taking an internet math class now. I have not even looked at the book and we are a month in. I'm just not able to do it now. I barely holding my house together as it is.
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