Friday, December 14, 2007

"Psych groups' fury over 'ransom' ads" - not all attention is good

Yeah, these adds piss me off too. All they do is add to the stigma that we already have to deal with on a daily basis and promotes useless pity. In this case, I don't agree that negative attention is better than no attention. Here is the link: Unnecessary Negative publicity about Autism and ADHD.

"These "ransom notes" are being plastered all over town as part of a new ad campaign about the dangers of psychiatric disorders like autism, attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder and Asperger's syndrome. They are causing outrage among many of the groups they are designed to represent - prompting parents and disability advocates to demand they be taken down. "The child has not been 'taken,' they just need a little extra help," said Melissa Ramirez, 26, who has a cousin with autism. "It's basically showing [parents] they have no control over their child. It's inappropriate." The ad campaign is being rolled out over the next four months by the NYU Child Study Center, which says the posters are designed to highlight the plight of children who suffer from undiagnosed or untreated psychiatric problems.
(This aspect I can agree with but there are better ways to get your point across. Being undiagnosed all of your life SUCKS! But people are not going to take it that way)"

"Disability advocates including Not Dead Yet and the Autism Acceptance Project have united in protest. "There needs to be recognition that not all attention is good attention," said Ari Ne'eman, president of the Autistic Self Advocacy Network who suffers from Asperger's syndrome. "The message that this campaign is sending, specifically that children with disabilities are shells, that somehow we have had our true selves stolen away or kidnapped ... is one that has a lot of terrible consequences."


Anonymous said...

[info]inever wrote:
Dec. 14th, 2007 03:26 pm (local)
Is that one of the actual ads? They should do some research since Aspergers and autism aren't psychiatric disorders. wtf

farnel said...

Dec. 14th, 2007 03:37 pm (local)
Yes, I know! I noticed that too. They just have to add salt to the wound (In the guise of good faith of course. *rolls eyes*)

Yep, That is an actual add.

Anonymous said...

[info]inever wrote:
Dec. 14th, 2007 03:41 pm (local)
I just wish they'd stick to the facts and stop spreading panic inducing false information. A parent with a recently diagnosed autistic child is going to be freaked out enough. I wish they had access to real information.