We had an "argument" tonight. My husband informed me that I am incapable of providing affection. He made it clear that if we ever got divorced he would take the girls. (I never bring up divorce. He always does.) I called him an SOB for saying that and he played the "My mother died when I was young" victim card and informed me that his mother wasn't a bitch and I didn't know her. He informed me that he is the only one "motivating" and holding the family together. I informed him otherwise. The argument got quite stupid and his response to every discontented comment of mine was "then why are you with me?" or "why don't you go with someone else?" The truth is that I wouldn't be with anyone else. He is the only one that tolerates and has accepted me for who I am. He's the only one that stuck around for more than a few weeks. I guess I have to find some way to tell him this before I loose him but I honestly don't know how and he keeps pushing me when I want to be left alone. I just don't have it in me to be what he wants.
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