Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Waiting to find out.

I've been doing a lot of self reflection and research the past year and have been thinking that it is possible that I may fall on the spectrum. I hope to eventually know for sure and be able to make an official title to this blog and speak of my experiences as a parent and how I plan on doing the best damn job possible. My worse fear is that I will be told that I am mentally ill or just a hypochondriac and there is nothing wrong with me. (What will my title be? Crazy, neurotic mom?)

Unfortunately (or fortunately depending on your point of view) it is not that simple and I am positive that there is more to the picture. I have been on the outside my whole life and have never entirely been able to relate to another human. Becoming a mother has brought me a little bit closer but there still seems to be some invisible wall that I can't get past.

Recently I found a community of members who have Asperger's syndrome and Non Verbal Learning Disorder. I am leaning more towards the fact that I may have Non Verbal Learning Disorder but I can only do so much research and personal reflection without speaking to a professional.

I will close this entry for now. I have to go pick up my daughter from school and I also have a lot of homework that I need to take care of. (I'm a bit behind)

Take care all,


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