Wednesday, September 19, 2007

My little girl - 1rst grade year

We had a conference with N's teacher yesterday. It went where I thought it would.


Her teacher was sweet but kind of young and ditsy and seemed to have little control over her class. (She had a valley girl accent. LIKE, OMG!!)

N is socially behind.
I've come to except this as it becomes more apparent as she enters the 1rst grade. I've always been in denial about it because she has always been unusually outgoing.

For example, When we take her out to the playground she will just run up to the kids and growl at them (She's playing lion) or yell at them. She is being friendly but it scares the other kids.

N has also begun to make up imaginary friends which she takes to school with her. This, of course, gets her teased and bullied relentlessly. N "defends herself" and then gets in trouble for her behavior because they go and "tattle" on her. She's been coming home with notes almost every day now.

I've also been noticing that she will either play on the same level as kids that are a few years younger than her or follow the adults around and talk their ears off. When she is told to stop talking (especially in class) she gets very agitated and upset.

The funny thing is that, even though she gets picked on, my daughter doesn't discriminate against any other kid. (Even the ones that pick on her) She wants to be friends with all of them and will hop from one kid to the next like a bumble bee in a patch of flowers. She will talk their ears off but won't have a two way conversation and only wants to dictate the play time. We try and tell her that sometimes you have to do what other children want but she won't hear any of it.

She talks to the kids that the other children won't. My daughter doesn't deserve the treatment those other children give her. Children are taught by television and in school to be accepting of everyone but so far I haven't noticed that quality in a majority of the kids at school or the adults for that matter. It's almost as if she is being punished.

I spoke with my teacher last night.
She has two sons with ADHD that went to the same school. She recommended that I talk to a behaviorist at the school. (I didn't know they have one)
Either way I need to get N evaluated and get her the help she needs. I know she is capable of excelling and her potential is amazing. I know all mothers say this but I think she is above average intellectually. She just seems frustrated all the time and I don't want her to feel that way any more.

I want my happy N back.

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