Saturday, June 9, 2007

The tooth fairy was late again.

I swear I am going to get this right eventually.

My daughter woke up this morning, in tears, because the tooth fairy didn't come. dammit, so, I told her that she only worked on Saturday night this week.

~sigh~ My mother never did this to me.


Anonymous said...

[info]mplsindygirl wrote:
Jun. 9th, 2007 10:59 am (local)
You are NOT your mother. I think your daughter will be just fine, without your guilt. We all survive small disappointments like this. I've done it myself. I imagine that by the end of the day, when your daughter is asleep, you are exhausted as well. Forgive yourself. Save the guilt for some intentional wrong-doing that really causes lasting damage. I have some strong opinions about guilt and disappointments and such.

Anonymous said...

[info]8thcyn wrote:
Jun. 10th, 2007 09:09 pm (local)
The Tooth Fairy was late for Emma's last tooth, too. She suddenly appeared while Emma was in the bathroom. Sigh..