Thursday, June 7, 2007

At my mom's place

So we drove to *** (12 hours. 10 if my husband didn't decide to take his own route) and got there around 1 in the morning.
I hate long drives.
I got to see my little girl and she did, in fact, grow! I have tons of pics but most of them aren't digital.

I had a bit of a meltdown, yesterday, while I was there. My family was forgiving and, of course, thought it was for other reasons since it involved my dad. I guess it is best they see me in that light than know the real reason why I was upset or frustrated. I was fine after an hour or so and things worked out.
I saw my dad too and got to use his Canon Rebel (woo hoo!).

Tomorrow morning we leave to go back to **.

My 2 year old has been throwing a constant tantrums since I got here. She can't handle any new environment and it is difficult for me to deal with.
What is even more difficult to deal with is that my husband can't handle her tantrums and acts about the age of 2 himself. ~sigh~

I included a picture of the road in front of my mother's house taken during the winter time. It takes your breath away and actually makes me miss the winter. There is nothing like a solitary walk down a snow covered road, surrounded by silence, so silent you can even hear the snow fall. It arouses something in me that I can't even begin to describe.
I need to get away.
Coming back here reminds me of that.

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