Monday, April 23, 2007

I need to know

Being the inpatient person that I am I decided to call around and find out how I may be evaluated for asperger's syndrome. (My heart felt like it was about to pound out of my chest the entire time I was making those phone calls.)

Wow, it is amazing how little resources are available for an adult to be evaluated. It is my, not so humble, opinion, after doing much research via the net, that the US is a little behind on this compared to the UK. I hope that this will change very soon.

I finally got a hold of the mental health department at XXXX and they informed me that they have ONE therapist that evaluates adults. (Wow, one entire therapist!!)
I was told (They have great customer service BTW) that I will need a referral and the waiting list is about 3-4 months long. I have no problem with this since I am a full time student and I have possibly been dealing with this for 29 years anyways. (What is 3 more months?)

There is a little more hope now.

Now my worse dilemma is trying to explain myself to the doctor in order to convince her to give me a referral. I, of course, have already catastrofised the situation and thought about what I would do if she said no. I don't know.
I will have the difficult task of presenting my case and that is a bit of a problem since it is very difficult for me to express myself at all, especially when I am stressed and upset. I"ve decided to do it by writing it down. I can think of millions (This is an exaggeration my fellow aspies (-; ) of examples from my life, especially my childhood. I will have to write down the symptoms as per the DSM - IV manual and then cite specific examples next to each one.

I had a lot more to write but I've already exhausted myself with this little blurb. I have a lot of homework, as usual, and I need to concentrate on that.

Ps: The spell checker is telling my that I have to change asperger to asparagus. :-P

Take care all


Anonymous said...

[info]alaska_courtney wrote:
Apr. 24th, 2007 06:50 pm (local)
I was diagnosed with Asparagus syndrome once. A little boiling water and butter took care of it like that.

You oughta try that if the wait time is too long... :-)

farnel said...
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